For practices

Are you thinking of applying for GP Grants Program funding at your practice?

The Federal Government has provided grants of up to $50,000 for GPs to upgrade their digital health capability, upgrade infection and control arrangements and meet accreditation standards. Read more about the grants program, how to apply and the potential opportunities available to your practice with Healthengine.

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What’s in this article:

What is it?

Applications have closed to apply for funding through the Strengthening Medicare – General Practice (GP) Grants program. The program is to support general practices and eligible Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to expand patient access and support safe, and accessible, quality primary care.

Who can apply?

GPs and ACCHOs that deliver general practice services and are not owned or operated by a state, territory or local government agency or body. View the grant fact sheet for definitions and details to determine your eligibility.

What can the grant be used for?

The grant can be used for one or more of the following investment streams:

i) enhancing digital health capability – to fast-track the benefits of a more connected healthcare system in readiness to meet future standards. The grant’s intended outcome is to increase take-up of contemporary digital health solutions including video telehealth, secure data storage and interoperable software that supports seamless, secure communication of patient data.

ii) upgrading infection prevention and control arrangements – to support the safe, face to face assessment of patients with symptoms of potentially infectious respiratory diseases (e.g. COVID, influenza). The grant’s intended outcome is to increase the proportion of COVID Positive and other respiratory patients treated in a general practice setting (by increasing practices’ capacity to treat more of these patients).

iii) maintaining or achieving accreditation against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practices (5th edition), under the General Practice Accreditation Scheme – to promote quality and safety in general practice. The grant’s intended outcome is to increase the number of accredited general practices.

When can I apply?

Applications for the GP grant closed on 15 June 2023, at 5pm local time.

How do I apply?

Complete the application and grant agreement pack that has been supplied to you from your local Primary Health Network (PHN) or National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). The pack includes a letter of invitation, quick reference guide and a combined application and grant agreement.

How much is the grant funding?

Eligible practices can apply for a single one-off grant of $25,000, $35,000 or $50,000, based on practice size and accreditation status.

When does the GP grants funding need to be spent by?

Grant funding must be spent before 30 June 2024.

Healthengine opportunities available for grant funding

Practices that don’t currently have these products can look to use their allocated grant funding for enhancing their digital capability and maintaining or achieving accreditation with the following Healthengine bundles and products available for GPs:

GP Complete

You can enhance your digital capability with GP Complete. Automate manual processes and enhance your patients’ experience. Our suite includes an Online Booking System as well as clinical reminders (Recalls).

Online Booking System

With our Online Bookings System, patients can book appointments quickly and easily 24/7 via your website or the Healthengine app. You can sync Online Bookings with your practice management software^ to reduce double handling for your practice staff. With a range of customisable options available, it’s all part of enhancing the digital capability at your practice for example:

    • You can choose which appointments can be booked online including for specific types of appointments, times and days of the week and specific practitioners
    • Show policies patients need to accept prior to making a booking e.g. cancellation policies
    • Show specific information to patients depending on the type of appointment e.g. wear loose clothing for a skin check appointment.

Clinical Reminders (Recalls)

Rapidly process recalls via SMS, phone or letter. Healthengine Recalls puts the control in your hands. Easily set your parameters based on your patients’ needs and your practice preferences. Choose your sequencing (e.g. 2 SMS, then a letter), the type of recall (e.g. urgent result) and specify your contact timeframes. Ensure RACGP compliance as audit notes are logged automatically in your patient’s file.^

Telehealth Software

Our Telehealth software allows you to continue to care for your patients who may not be able to physically attend an in-practice appointment at the time they need care. Healthengine’s Telehealth includes a secure, high-definition video software solution that’s hosted within Australia. It’s easy to set up and includes seamless integration with your practice management software^. Allow your patients to book bulk-billed or private telehealth appointments online.

Thinking of applying for the grant but not sure where to start?

If you’d like to chat to us about any of the above, please reach out to our Sales team by completing the form below, or call (08) 6205 3113 or email


This article should be read in conjunction with the grant application information that has been mailed to GP practices by the PHN or NACCHO, or more information can be viewed on the Strengthening Medicare GP Grants government website.

^ For practices using MedicalDirector Pracsoft, Best Practice or ZedMed practice management software.

Questions about Healthengine options for the GP Grant Program?

Pop your details in here and our team will be in touch.

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