Fluvax Solution

Be visible to patients searching for flu vaccine appointments on Healthengine

Our Flu Vaccine solution is now live and will help you deliver flu vaccinations in an efficient and secure manner.

Find out more

Our Fluvax Solution

The Fluvax Solution includes a flu vaccination specific booking flow and a dedicated Healthengine fluvax search, allowing patients to easily find and book a fluvax appointment whilst allowing providers to streamline the administration of flu vaccination appointments.

Utilise our new Dual Staff Bookings feature to book two staff for the same appointment (e.g. a GP and a nurse) to further improve your processes.*

Providers utilising the Fluvax Solution can be listed on the dedicated Healthengine Fluvax search and offer flu vaccine bookings from their Healthengine profile page and practice website^.

The Fluvax solution offers a flu vaccine specific booking flow to ensure you have a streamlined process with all of the information you need.

Fluvax Solution

How it works

Increase your visibility to patients looking to book their flu vaccines & run your flu clinics more efficiently

Fluvax Benefits

  • Appear in Healthengine’s Fluvax search – Providers will be listed on the dedicated Healthengine Fluvax search to be made visible and available to new patients looking to book flu vaccination appointments.
  • Dedicated booking flow –  Pre-screening questions help inform you when patients may be at-risk or need to seek medical advice prior to receiving their fluvax.
  • Supports Dual Staff Bookings – Use our Fluvax Solution with Dual Staff Bookings for a multi-staff approach to flu vaccinations.
  • Appointment reminders Minimise no-shows with automated email reminders and optional SMS reminders.
  • Medicare card collection – Medicare card details will be collected at the time of booking.
  • Support and training – Full support and training materials for practices.
  • Combine with New Patient Forms – Streamline your admin process and capture new patient information prior to their appointment.+
  • Power-up targeted SMS – Enable our Communicate add-on to send your patients a targeted SMS to let them know flu vaccines are available at your practice.^^

Get in touch

Request a call back about our Fluvax Solution

There’s no obligation, simply enter your details to receive a call from one of our practice consultants or call 08 6205 3113 at a time that suits you.

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  • Hidden
  • (Existing customers will be contacted by their CSM)
  • By submitting this form you are consenting to receive marketing communications from Healthengine in future, on the understanding that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy, Collection Statement and Terms of Use and that you can opt-out at any time.

* Practices must have a GP Complete subscription to utilise this feature.
^Practices must have a Patient Connect Premium subscription to appear on both the Healthengine network and dedicated Fluvax search. Practices must have a GP Complete subscription to take Fluvax bookings on their practice website.
+New Patient Forms is a feature of GP Complete, practices require a GP Complete subscription to use this feature.
^^Cost per SMS is 7c.