Featured Listings on Healthengine

Get noticed first with Featured Listings

Featured Listings enable practices to appear in the top three search results for a specific suburb for that practice’s specialty. With a Featured Listing on Healthengine, you can appear above your competition so that patients consider your practice first, every time.

Climb above your competition 🚀

Put yourself in a prime position for attracting patients on Healthengine with a guaranteed top three position in searches in your chosen suburb. With a Featured Listing, you can appear above your competition so that patients consider your practice first, every time.

Pair up to power up 👀

Designed to make sure patients see your practice first when they’re ready to book, Featured Listings gives you the best chance of attracting new patients and retaining your current ones. Pair up with Healthengine’s Patient Connect and supercharge your online bookings.

The benefits of Featured Listings:

  • A top three search position for searches in your suburb on Healthengine
  • Be seen with improved visibility and a stronger online presence for your practice
  • Higher retention of existing patients by keeping your practice top of mind on Healthengine
  • You’re hard to miss in a top three search position – More traffic, more patients, more bookings

How does it work?

Five simple steps for search success on Heathengine

Designed to make sure patients see your practice first when they’re ready to book, Featured Listings gives you the best chance of attracting new patients and retaining your current ones.

Ready to elevate your practice visibility on Healthengine?

Request a call back on Featured Listings?

There’s no obligation, simply enter your details to receive a call from one of our practice consultants or call 08 6205 3113 at a time that suits you.

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  • Hidden
  • (Existing customers will be contacted by their CSM)
  • By submitting this form you are consenting to receive marketing communications from Healthengine in future, on the understanding that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy, Collection Statement and Terms of Use and that you can opt-out at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions 📋

Why does a practice that’s not in the area appear as a Featured Listing?

All practices are given the same opportunity to purchase a Featured Listing in any suburb. It is up to the individual practice or group to decide on where they wish to market their services. In our experience, practices that wish to be more visible and attract new patients pay a premium to be seen in search results for other areas.

Can I be featured in a suburb that’s not my practice suburb?

Yes you can! All practices, from solo practitioner through to corporate groups are given the same opportunity to purchase a Featured Listing in any suburb. It is up to the individual or group to decide on where they wish to market their services.