I 🧡 Waitlists

Turn cancellations into new bookings at the click of a button

What's not to love about that?

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There's more to love with Waitlists by Healthengine

Waitlists by Healthengine

The Waitlist solution you'll fall in 🧡 with

I love waitlists ”... said no one ever.

How can you love anything that’s complex for both practices and patients, hard to manage, and requires a lot of admin hours each week.

You can't, but when you have a waitlist solution that can; turn cancellations into appointments in seconds, save time, deliver more patient care, create more practice revenue and simplify the entire waitlist process… there’s more to love.

Waitlists by Healthengine gives patients the ability to add themselves to an online waitlist via the same Healthengine booking form they already know and love. Save your reception team hours of admin time, and quickly fill cancellations by notifying patients via SMS of new available appointments.

It’s the new waitlist management solution you’ll fall in love with.

How does it work?

Less post-it notes and spreadsheets, more patients in seats

No availability? Patients easily add themselves and their appointment preferences to your Waitlist online.

Your practice can also add patients to the Waitlist manually, all within Healthengine’s Practice Admin.

When there’s a cancellation, filter for all Waitlist patients that match the appointment preferences.

Easily bulk SMS selected Waitlist patients, letting them know of the appointment availability.

Patients can quickly book and claim the available appointment directly through the SMS link.

Easily turn cancellations into revenue with just a few short clicks, in seconds. What’s not to love about that?

Love more practice revenue?

Request a call back about Waitlists today

Not a Healthengine customer yet? Simply enter your details below to receive a call from our practice consultants, or call 08 6205 3113 to discuss Waitlists for your practice today.

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  • (Existing customers will be contacted by their CSM)
  • By submitting this form you are consenting to receive marketing communications from Healthengine in future, on the understanding that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy, Collection Statement and Terms of Use and that you can opt-out at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Waitlists?

Waitlists by Healthengine gives your patients the ability to add themselves to an online waitlist via the same Healthengine booking form they already know and love. This allows you to save on reception team hours and admin time with less patient calls and direct enquiries to the front desk, requesting to be added to a waitlist.

When your practice has a cancellation and needs the appointment filled at short notice, you can easily search, filter and find all relevant patients from your Waitlist that match the appointment preferences, and send an SMS notifying patients of the now available appointment to book.

It’s the Waitlist solution you’ll fall in love with.

Who can get Waitlists?

Waitlists are available for the following specialties on Healthengine:

  • General Practice
  • Dental
  • Allied
  • Specialists

For GP practices, Waitlists are included as part of Healthengine’s GP Complete subscription with no additional costs. If your GP practice is currently on PES Essentials or Patient Connect, please get in touch with your CSM directly to discuss eligibility.

For Dental, Allied and Specialist practices, please get in touch with the Healthengine team today to check eligibility by completing the contact form above.

Do I need to pay for each SMS send for Waitlists?

No additional SMS fees with this one! Healthengine provides the SMS sends to patients as part of the Waitlists feature at no additional per SMS cost.

How do patients add themselves to the Waitlist?

Once you’ve activated Waitlists, there’s a setting that allows patients to add themselves to your Waitlist, which can be toggled on / off in Practice Admin. The default setting is off, meaning patients can’t autonomously add themselves to your Waitlist without your practice first enabling this setting.

When the setting is on, there are various Waitlist entry points that can be found on your Healthengine Profile and within your practice’s booking form that encourages patients to add themselves to a Waitlist slot if no suitable time is available.

The following locations will display Waitlist options for patients:

  • The appointment time selection page in your practice’s booking flow when a patient clicks the See all appointments button
  • The appointment time selection page in your practice’s booking flow when a patient hasn’t selected a time
  • Your website widget booking page

Can practice staff add patients to the Waitlist manually?

We understand that some patients may still want to call the practice or walk-in before requesting to be added to your Waitlist. When this happens, you have the ability to manually add patients to your Waitlist all within the Healthengine dashboard.

With Waitlists, you simply fill in a number of questions regarding the entry, including the patient’s name and contact details, the type of appointment they want to have, the practitioner they wish to see (if they have a preference), any additional notes you’d like to add for triaging as well as what days and times they are available.

Can I edit and delete Waitlist entries?

If you wish to edit a Waitlist entry, this is easily done within the Healthengine dashboard. You have the ability to update any of the fields associated with the patient’s Waitlist request and the patient is not informed if their entry is updated.

It’s the same process for deleting Waitlist entries. You will be prompted to confirm if you wish to delete a request. This action cannot be undone, and you will need to create a new Waitlist entry for the patient if they wish to be re-added to the Waitlist. The patient is not informed if their entry is removed.

How do I easily search for certain patients from the Waitlist?

Some practices might have a lot of patient requests in the Waitlist, and it can be hard to find certain patients or those matching certain criteria. There are a number of filters that can be applied to help find suitable patients when a cancellation occurs. These search filters work across all the entries, so if there are multiple pages of Waitlist entries, all eligible patients will be shown.

You can filter your Waitlist by:

  • Preferred practitioner
  • Appointment type
  • Appointment date
  • Appointment time

How many patients can I contact from the Waitlist at the same time?

Depending on how you prefer to run your Waitlist, if you choose to contact patients via the bulk SMS method, you can select up to 10 individual patients from your Waitlist for each cancellation or appointment you wish to notify them about.

What happens if my practice doesn’t offer appointments for new patients?

We’ve got you covered! If a patient tries to add themselves to your Waitlist as a ‘new’ patient, when a practice only has appointment types for existing patients, or doesn’t accept new patients, the patient is prevented from adding themselves to the Waitlist and sees a message explaining the practice doesn’t offer those appointment types to new patients.

How do I inform patients that our practice now offers Waitlists by Healthengine?

Head to the Resources Section in Practice Admin to download a collection of in-practice marketing assets and collateral you can use to promote Waitlists to your patients. We also recommend using Healthengine’s Communicate add-on to send existing patients bulk SMS messages, letting them know of your new online Waitlist services.

How do I see a demo of Waitlists?

We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on! If you’re interesting in learning more about how Waitlists works through a demo, simply complete the contact form on this page and our friendly team will be in touch.