is getting paid
Take the pain away from getting paid with Healthengine payment solutions
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As work and life get busier, it’s only going to escalate. The frown. This forehead condition, caused by chasing payments, multi-tasking, trying to fill empty slots and juggling the practitioners’ calendar has left staff feeling a little sad.
But, with a Healthengine Payment Solution you can turn that frown upside down. Get a pain free payment solution for your practice today.
taking online payments pre or post appointment.
reducing did not attends.
sending a Payment Request text message.
easy reconciliation.
taking deposits to deter no-shows.
skipping payment (get paid by Medicare).
easy refunds.
”As a growing clinic with lots of doctors - all with different bank accounts - staying on top of who we’re paying is hard. But Healthengine payments makes it easy.
Using the EFTPOS machine to take payments is slow and painful. There’s nothing worse than patients having to stand there at the end of their consult waiting to pay. Now we ask patients, “can I take the payment through Healthengine?” And they say “yes!” They’re happy to get out of the waiting room faster and get on with their day.
Erin MandersonDirector, Yarra Trail Medical, VIC
Get a customised payment solution for your practice today.
Get that HAPPAYNESS feeling
Choose which appointment types take pre-payments, deposits, post-payments or skip payments entirely (Medicare eligible).
Set the price for pre-payment and deposits (post-payments are added post-appointment).
Allocate who pays the small Stripe transaction fee – your practice or the patient.
Patients will enter their card details when making the booking. A payment will be taken at time of booking or credit card details checked for post-payment or DNA fee collection.
Successful payments can go direct to practitioner Stripe accounts for Payroll Tax purposes¹.
Send a Payment Request SMS to collect payment anytime (from anyone) into your account within minutes.
Request a call back today
Pricing visibility is a key driver of choice for patients,
according to our Australian Healthcare Index survey of 9,000+ patients, taking online payments is one way to provide pricing transparency that alleviates patients’ hesitations and helps them manage healthcare expenses, avoiding unexpected costs or “bill shock.”
Frequently Asked Questions
How secure is Payments?
More secure than taking payment details over the phone! Credit card details are stored securely in Stripe, a trusted third-party payment platform.
How does Payments relate to Payroll Tax?
For Payroll Tax purposes, Healthengine’s Payments solution allows practitioners to receive payments from patients directly into their own Stripe accounts. This eliminates the need for your team to process payments and transfer funds back to the practitioner.
Who can get Payments?
Payments is available to GP, Dental, Allied and Specialist customers. Talk to our team about the right plan for your practice.
What are the costs involved with Payments?
Payments is included in GP Complete and fixed term subscriptions for Allied and Specialists. For our other plans, including Dental, it can be purchased as an add-on. Please talk to our friendly team for more details. A small Stripe processing fee is applicable when using Payments of 27c + 1.59% which you can choose to pass on to the patient.
For post-payment appointments, how many days do I have to collect a patient payment?
Post-payment collection is at the discretion of the practice. This can be completed at any time from 1 hour before the appointment and up to 28 days after the appointment. Once this time has passed, you will need to contact the patient directly to collect payment.
How does invoicing work for patients?
Invoicing is done for you via Healthengine, with invoices automatically emailed to patients upon payment.
If I refund a patient, does my practice still pay the transaction fee?
No. If you refund a patient’s payment, the patient will receive their full payment back, and the practice’s transaction fee is waived.
I am worried that some patients may not book when prepayments are required?
Prepayments are rapidly becoming a standard across industries, including healthcare, to streamline operations and guarantee services.
To help ease this transition for your patients, you’ll have access to a suite of in-clinic posters, information slides for waiting room TV screens and ready-to-use social media posts to help educate your patients about the benefits of online payments, making them more comfortable with the new process.
¹Healthengine and its related entities cannot provide tax advice. This material has been prepared for information purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax advice. You should consult your own tax advisors in this matter.
Get a Free Demo
Get in touch today for more information about Healthengine products, services, and pricing.
Our Practice Consultants are on hand to answer any questions you may have. Simply fill out the form to request a free demo, or call us direct on 1300 377 639.