To help you get to know the people at HealthEngine, please enjoy this series for the blog where we take you “Behind the Scenes at HealthEngine.”
Each week we’ll introduce you to one of our team members.

Will Owers
Full-stack developer
How long have you been with HealthEngine:
1.5 years
Tell us a bit about your day to day role:
The first stop of my day is without fail always a cup of tea, usually Assam bold, before I move on to the next part of my day which often involves another cup of tea like English breakfast. My day can be demarcated by the number of cups of tea i’ve consumed: in between the first two cups you will find me reading emails, estimating the difficulty of upcoming tasks, and reviewing other people’s code; after which I will enter the third cup phase of the day where I am at my most productive!
Tell us about a recent HealthEngine project/effort you’re particularly proud of:
Recently I have been focussing on ensuring our booking form meets WCAG accessibility guidelines, so we can make the booking form usable by everyone in Australia regardless of ability. Just like a venue is required to be accessible by all members of the public, a website must be accessible too. This is an area I am very passionate about, and I look forward to ongoing work in this important space.
Now onto some fun facts… What are your 3 fave apps at the moment? (beyond HealthEngine, of course!):
- Up bank – an awesome bank and excellent app that is great for tracking your spending
- Fitnotes – helps me push my PBs and keeps me in a good routine
- Spotify – allows me access to infinite music, what’s not to like?
Please share 3 things about your non-work life:
- I train and captain an Ultimate Frisbee team
- I am also a proud plantdad and have a garden of teapot plants
- I spend most my money on building computers
When borders open, name your dream travel destination:
Taking a train tour of Europe: because there is a serious novelty of hopping on a train into another country.
To wrap this up, let’s end with some personal recommendations:
I recommend joining a team sport. The health benefits from the exercise alone are immense but you can’t quantify the value of the friends and the community you make along the way.