Calculate Your Return on Investment

The HealthEngine Savings Calculator

See how much time and money your practice could save with HealthEngine. Simply add in your number of full time equivalent practitioners to get started.

My practice is and has full time equivalent practitioners

HINT: To find out how many full time equivalent practitioners (FTE) you have, take your total number of practitioner hours per week and divide by 37.5

Calculate ROI

Based on our data from 94 GP practices who have successfully used HealthEngine’s Booking360, Professional Profile, and Patient Match products to grow and manage their practice, below are some stats on how you could benefit too.


With 4 full time equivalent practitioners, your practice would likely have about 1,680 appointments per month.


If you used HealthEngine, 239 of those bookings would be made online, resulting in 16 hours saved per month by the front desk team. That’s 26 working days saved per year!

New patients

These online bookings would bring in 26 new patients per month, or 302 new patients per year.


At an average lifetime value of $160 per new patient, this results in an additional $48,254 revenue for your practice per year.

Practice efficiency

At the same time as saving your practice $4,194 in front desk costs and an additional 69 hours saved every year in processing recalls.

Recap – Your Total ROI

With 4 full time equivalent practitioners, your practice will get $60,145 yearly value for only $4,994 per year + $3,619 in estimated referral fees.

That’s a 7.0x return on investment.


The below is a summary of expected value, fees and return on an investment for a practice with 4.2 full time equivalent practitioners.

Appointments and referrals

Average number of bookings per month 1,680
Average number of online bookings per month 239
Number of new patient referrals per year 302

Front desk time saved

Hours saved on phones by online bookings per month 16
Estimated number of recalls processed per year 2,044
Hours saved by using HealthEngine to process recalls per year 69
Total hours saved per year 260

Value generated

New patient value $48,254
Value of front desk time saved per year $11,892
Total yearly value $60,145

HealthEngine pricing

Monthly Booking360 + Professional Profile cost $441
Annual Booking360 + Professional Profile cost $5,292
Referral fees $3,619
Total yearly fees $8,559
Yearly return on investment 7.0x

Assumptions and variables

Statistics provided are calculated based on an a typical existing Booking360 customer, from a set of 94 active practices.

The assumptions and variables used to calculate the results are included below.

Appointment and booking rates

Average appointments available per practitioner per month Based on averages from HealthEngine data

Practice variables

Hourly rate for front desk staff ($) Based on data published by RACGP
Average time per appointment call (seconds) HealthEngine estimate
Number of recalls per month per practitioner Based on averages from HealthEngine data
Standard time to process a recall (seconds) HealthEngine estimate
Average cost to process a recall ($) e.g. SMS or letter costs HealthEngine estimate

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