An empty chair is an expensive chair.

HealthEngine leads the way in new patient acquisition for dental practices, with the number of new patient dental referrals on Healthengine growing by an average of 96%* every year.

*Based on average number of new patient referrals to dental practices on HealthEngine during 2015 – 2018 calendar years.

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How do we do it?

The power’s in our platform

Seamlessly connecting new patients with dental practices

HealthEngine makes new patient acquisition painless. Our practice growth products are designed to help you dominate the digital, giving you the online visibility and availability to easily attract new patients and turn one-off visits into loyal, long-term patients.

Accelerate the success of your practice

Our easy-to-integrate, and even easier to use, technology helps boost your digital presence, grow your patient base and fill costly gaps in your appointment calendar.

Talk with one of our dedicated Practice Consultants today and discover how can start attracting the new patients you need to fill your appointment book.

We’ve helped dental practices right across Australia